Quality Mentors Make Mentorships Worthwhile And Increase Your Chance At Success, But be Careful How You Pick One!


You may have heard of mentorship programs and mentoring opportunities, but did you ever ask yourself what they're all about and whether or not there is any benefit to having a mentor? Let’s start with what a mentor is. A mentor is a person who has expert skills in their trade or career path. They provide guidance for a novice or trainee, and they are a source for beneficial information and support that can assist you to achieve your overall job goals. Mentors act as role models and can play an intricate role in helping you achieve success. A good mentor is a positive role model who helps you network in your field and helps you develop a support system.


Read this short article on Forbes, “What Makes A Great Mentor, And The Importance Of Having One” and see what a great mentor is and what others say about mentoring.

Forbes Article Link

If mentors are experts in their field just imagine all that could be learned from them. That is the idea and purpose of mentorships. To provide trainees with a positive mentor that is motivated and motivates them. The idea is that this person is a professional with a profound amount of experience in their field. This is a person who has a variety of contacts and connections that they are willing to utilize in order to assist their mentee and help facilitate their success. Many refer to mentors as trusted advisors. That means they are available to their mentee throughout a period of time known as the mentorship period, or until their mentee is confident enough to begin on their own using the skills and tools they’ve learned.

So what does a mentor do?

➔    They provide information about their own career path and work history

➔    They are trusted advisors whom you can count on whenever you need them

➔    They are role models

➔    They provide emotional support

➔    They help you explore your career options and set goals

➔    They help you make connections, network, and find career opportunities

“Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences in his or her life. I don’t care what you do for a living—if you do it well I’m sure there was someone cheering you on or showing the way. A mentor.” — Denzel Washington


Now that you understand more about what mentors are and the role they play in helping you achieve your career goals let’s talk more about choosing a good mentor and what that means to your success. One thing that is for certain is that you want a mentor who is dedicated and willing. You don’t want someone who is only mentoring because they have a personal agenda. Of course it is great when everyone can benefit from a business deal, but when you’re searching for a mentor you want one who isn’t doing it as an obligation. The kind of mentor you’re looking for wants to help others progress and see them succeed.

Read this short article from Lifehack about the 5 Things to Consider When Choosing a Mentor


There are numerous resources, like Lifehack, who agree that a mentor should be someone of similar or equal values as you, and have the same values you aim to possess in your profession. You don’t want someone who has mentored many others and has a habit of being negative and putting people down, unless those are the traits you want to carry forward in your own professional career. Who you affiliate yourself with is very important! Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are. Useful advice you probably heard as a child that is every bit as relevant as an adult in business and career. Look for a mentor that is respected in their business community, but not because they have a huge social media fan base, but because they are knowledgeable in their field and have many years of real hands on experience. If their reputation follows them, let it be because they’ve made many friends and connections that could be valuable to you in the future and not because they’ve rubbed people the wrong way and no one wants to work with them.


Finally, you want a mentor who is there working hard right alongside you, who shows you how to get it done. When you choose a mentor it’s okay to have expectations. In fact, lay them out and discuss them ahead of time. Make it clear what you are expecting to learn or gain from their mentoring, and furthermore discuss what they’re expecting from you. You want a mentor that challenges you too, don’t look for the easy way out!

If you’re a CFA looking to advance in private aviation perhaps a mentor is exactly what you need. At VVIP International we found that mentors have been very beneficial to new Corporate Flight Attendants looking to begin their careers. Through our training program CFA trainees are given mentors because we truly believe it helps our CFA’s advance further faster! Our CFA’s have had proven success with our mentors and the community of support that we’ve built for them is unlike any other. VVIP mentors are available 24/7 so that trainees always have someone to call when they’re in question. This is what a CFA needs to build themselves in the private aviation industry and see their careers take off sky high!